Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Who's Next?

"You see, we have a list of people who were stopped. That day by the river.  You know, because we were told to look for illegals.  We told residents that.  Hoping someone would stand up. Now they did."

His voice softened to a nearly inaudible whisper.

"The henchman is on the warpath. He wants to get to people before they..."



"The American Civil Liberties people are looking for witnesses.  A few of the officers came forward wrote down license plates of the folks they stopped.  Your plate came up.  Hey, you don't know me out of uniform but I was one of the ones, forced to stop cars.  This is huge and it isn't just this scenario.  There is more.  A whole lot more. Just watch your back." 

"Lord.  This is ridiculous.  Where did I move to?"

"Okay, just wanted to tell you about it.  So's you'd know."

"I guess thanks.  Yes, thank you for this.  An innocent bystander. Again."

"Listen, he is more than the henchman.  Evil s.o.b.  people are terrified of him, losing their jobs in an economy risky like this. Some are gonna talk.  Again, wanted you to know."

"Martin, take care of you.  Justice will prevail...whether it is in the courts or in karma. It is the Laws of Physics."

"Dang, profiling,"he said.  "Nobody likes it. It is just plain wrong!  Next time it could you YOU or me!"

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