Thursday, December 6, 2012


There seems to be a post of a similar name in the past.  Oh well.  I love color so I can blog and blog about it.  Color makes me happy.  Vibrant colors especially.  Natural colors are nice, too.

Recently I purchased an LG flat screen tv.  I've waited a long time.  Don't you think?!  Now stop laffin especially if you know me.  I don't waste resources if I can avoid it.

I love watching anything on it.  It reminds me of the 1960s when my neighbor, Judy Frampton, and her family got the first color tv in my neighborhood.  I longed to see what it looked like in someone's house.  Years later, my family got one.  It was worth the wait.

So now I have some new technology.  A smart tv.  I still have one more thing to synchronize.  And I'll admit to be a bit nervous about messing up the existing technology.  It hasn't been hard to do but I have never felt especially adept at technology.  Interestingly enough, I love technology!

This will probably be the last thing I buy tech-wise.  I'm not much for silly charges for silly things I don't need in the silly first place anyway.  I might just miss the moment glued to it if I do.

Color.  Wow, oh wow, oh wow.

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