Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Lies My Government...

Do they really think we buy all of this middle eastern zealot terrorism?  Really?
  1. pointing_hand

First, at least in contemporary times...there was the WTC - 9/11.  There is so much to be disputed about who planned and participated in he attacks.  This writer hardly believes a well trained military didn't see this coming.  Nor, reacted in time.  There are so many things that were awry that day.  Nope, I'll look at our corporate government first.

Second, the Boston Marathon  Bombings.  Sandy Hook.  Etc.  Etc.  And now Paris.  Each time these atrocities occur, citizens lose more freedoms.  Now why are we making these folks the bad guys? I am not saying they haven't done things but this?  Really?  Oh, right, I remember the weapons of mass destruction lies.  Let's add these to the list.

For a second, let's think about who is alleged to do these murders.  Do they by chance, have anything we want?  Oil maybe?  Bingo.

And finally, it just isn't nice to be mean.  Nasty political cartoons do nothing to elevate the human condition.  Nor does bullying on either side.  Or torture.  Or...

If it doesn't bring people together for the highest good, maybe we need to rethink how we behave.

Comment from JK: 

On the eve of the French reconciliation, they suffer a punitive attack.  (This) Has the earmarks of fascist destabilization threatening the longevity of French values and governance.

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