Thursday, October 4, 2012

Beep, Beep

Beth and Tony took their seats just five rows from the podium.  Only last night the podium had been wired as a polygraph.

A smirk covered Tony's face as the candidates entered the assembly.  He was more than excited.  He had had enough.  And he was about to show the world.

Both candidates would surely rest their hands on the side of the lectern totally unaware. A slight lean forward, hands pressing down took blood pressure, respiration, skin conductivity and pulse readings. 

The tiny meter in both Beth and Tony's ear went crazy all night. But all they heard was a slight beep at the lies spewed back and forth.  Lies.  From one paid government employee.  Lies from a job candidate.

Back at the office, their staff would record all the findings. It would now be part of a permanent history recovered for time and eternity. 

Each time a mistruth was offered by each candidate,  a Tweet that was heard around the world.  Paul Revere would have been proud.

"No fact checkers needed here," Tony said.

"We have more than enough information.  If only the media cared, if only they would report these findings."

Corporation owned media would never consent to that.  Within five minutes of the first 'occurrence' millions of people got messaged.  It was better than a flash mob dance.  Theatre at the podium.  No taxpayer was laughing.

The 99% had been heard.  By each other.  By people that counted.  

Beep, Beep.  They weren't backing up.

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