by Zen Gardner
People have been asking me what I thought of the OPPT (One People’s Public Trust) movement. I’d hardly noticed it as these types of things rarely appeal to me, but I decided to look into it a bit. This is my opinion and observations based on what I’ve seen so far which isn’t much because actually there isn’t that much to be found. What I share here is based on my personal experiences, research and intuition, so take it for what you will.
The purpose of this article is not to explain what it is, which you can research for yourself. I’m addressing the subject for those with at least a cursory knowledge of this issue who are wondering about the nature of this movement.
I’m not about to tell anyone what to do, but I’d watch my step with this OPPT movement. Something doesn’t seem right to me. There are too many warning flags going up right out of the gate.
I can understand people looking for a coalescing movement to express in some potentially practical form their desire to effect change, as well as to provide a unifying sense of solidarity. I also know human nature is prone to looking for cure-all solutions, external sources of salvation, dynamic charismatic leaders, and a reason for hope. For many this is also a chance to put the burden of personal choice and decision making down a bit and rest on some sense of collective force, imagined or real.
It’s a frustrating life watching the world being crushed with seemingly so few practical ways we can fight it. That’s how movements form, and I understand that. But anyone would be wise to be very careful where they throw their weight in this maze of dis-information and misdirection infiltrating society, and the alternative research community in particular.
What Is the OPPT?
Here’s their own description:The One People’s Public Trust itself consists of every person on the planet, the planet itself and the Creator.
The One People’s Trust trustees are a talented group of very skilled individuals including legal professionals who, in conjunction with a positive group inside the financial system, carried out extensive investigations into the massive fraud and theft taking place at the time.I feel hijacked. They roped in me, you, and everyone else on the planet…including the Creator…just like that. Where did they get that permission? Didn’t get mine. Pretty presumptuous if you ask me.
After exercising extreme prudence, the OPPT concluded that the corporations operating under the guise of the people’s government and financial systems were committing treason against the people of this planet without the people’s knowing, willing and intentional consent. Through a series of REGISTRATIONS of the BE’ing of the one people of this planet, the land, airs, seas and every creation thereof and therefrom, all unlawful and illegal claims of ownership and actions of management and control by the principals, agents and beneficiaries were lawfully and legally duly cancelled and foreclosed upon by their own free will choice not to remedy the damage they had caused. Source
Why I’m Suspect
I’ve been seeing the increasingly evangelical calls to “OPPT in” to this movement around the net and started looking into it. I admit I haven’t studied everything although there was quite of bit of looking while working on this article and really there’s not much to be found besides the hype. I still don’t understand this whole thing, which is part of what bothers me. Either there’s not much to understand or everything’s deliberately vague.I’m judging by how it appears to me and its effect on me, so take it or leave it.
No doubt there is merit in some of the thinking and mechanisms involved, otherwise it wouldn’t have any credibility. Although I’m starting to wonder if that’s even true. We’ve seen this non acceptance or recognition of the system’s legality or authority before and it has worked in many civil cases. Canada has something similar going on with the common law court case against the British crown and Canadian leaders in the recent genocide trial. They are statements of protest and generate public awareness.
But participation is effective only as long as our outlook and understanding of the real problem is fully conscious and we’re not reinforcing their system, intentionally or not. I don’t mean to be a downer but some systems just aren’t worth saving nor fighting for, or even acknowledging. Especially when the real enemy is something way more powerful working behind the scenes pushing both sides of every conflict. (Think Rothschilds and hold that thought.)
The weird thing is even as you try to get more information from their websites you get directed here and redirected there, with slim pickins for information along the way. Look at any “system” public trust anywhere and the disclosures and mission statement etc. are up front and clear as a bell. They have to be. Then OPPT claims “millions around the world” are turning on to it which all the jazzed up followers are parroting. Sorry to tell you but one website shows clearly they’ve only had 60 thousand hits and the other states 200 thousand. Hardly millions, even assuming everyone who visits “joins” or gets behind it, which of course is statistically impossible. In fact, it would most likely be a small percentage of the total exposure at best.
So where’s the millions? It smacks of an energy pyramid scheme to be honest.
I listened to Max Igan’s interview with the main organizers of the OPPT movement. From the outset it was vague and confusing. If it weren’t for commenters on my site asking about it I would have turned it off. It started off with a premise that was clearly meant to appeal to one and all in any alternative mindset…the political activist to the new-ager:
“It’s all over. We’ve already won.” Weeeeee.
Sounds way too familiar. Another full spectrum appeal to the activist crowd like other grandiose promises and phenomena we’ve seen come and go. What really rubbed me is the elusive, assumptive and patronizing wording in this entire interview.
Legalese Unease
The American lawyer was the main spokesperson and she couldn’t have been more vague and confusing. It was not aimed to educate clearly, but rather to snow you under with impressive sounding knowledge and so-called inside information.I’ve seen professional con men at work and that’s exactly what they do.
First they grab you with a “big idea” appeal and a vision of some wonderful end result they know you’d love to hear. Then they go on to give you a not so clear but grand sounding method on how they propose to do it. The trick is to do it so seemingly authoritatively and with all kinds of complicated language, showy credentials and hearsay testimonials to back it up that you get swept up and “taken” by it without fully grasping anything.
It’s classic sales speak and manipulation.
The kick off is a doozey. “It’s already over” they say. “We’ve already won. The PTBs have been served their papers (thanks to their perceptive, hard work and ‘inside’ contacts) and we are now free. Now we just need to act like it.” And you are swept under their umbrella by the very definitions they propose. Isn’t that exactly the complaint they’re making of how the PTBs get our permission by overarching maritime laws via birth certificates and other automatic contracts?
And by the way, thanks OPPT for telling us we’re all free, but we already knew that. You didn’t need to tell us that and we didn’t need a piece of paper filed somewhere to make it “official”. The whole system is a lie and you addressing it like you’re going to dissolve it on their level is ludicrous. And then to go on to say it’s already done and filed in some secret special department is more mind games and condescension.
Worse than that, it smacks of controlled opposition propaganda and manipulation. That’s what worries me.
And who comes out the saviors? All these knowledgeable insiders with all their legal apparatus and most of all whomever they’re connected to, all while saying it’s the people’s trust. And where do the followers and buyers of this plan all march? Wherever the pied piper leads them.
Wanting to believe something doesn’t make it true.
Disclosure Bombshell
I’m sure they expected eventual backlash over this next point which is why the fancy legalese-spouting American lawyer said it. About 40 minutes into the interview as she’s bragging about how through her qualifications and contacts she was able to attain all this “empowering” information on how to dismantle the entire structure, she says “by way of disclosure I need to tell you that the man who showed me all of this is a trustee with the Rothschilds’ family holdings.” She goes on to say this shows “there are many people within the system that want to make sure you guys (not we) know what’s going on.”That’s how this kind of thing works. People set logic and common sense aside because they so want to believe it. And it’s not the first time this kind of thing has happened.
She does this several times, saying “they” and “you guys”, not putting herself with her precious One People’s Public Trust followers. She’s apparently aloof along with her elite “informers”. She also mechanically repeats “God, Yahweh, Allah or Source” every time she refers to the spiritual, as if they of course are open to any and all interpretations. All of
it sounds cold, contrived and rote.
Although what can you expect, she’s a lawyer. Isn’t that what governments are packed with?
Where Have I Seen This Movie Before?
If this doesn’t smack you as FulfordandCo.esque I don’t know what, and all those big money disclosures and Drake revelations. “The battle’s won, they’re about to all be arrested.” “Come to the White Dragon, the GOOD Illuminati will save you.” Now “It’s over. We filed the papers and you’re all free!”Fulford is actually linked on their website if you want a confirmation.
Sorry, I don’t buy it. These initial warning signs are way over the top and a total turn off as far as I’m concerned, as well as disconcerting. Making this kind of appeal to susceptible eager Truth seekers can siphon off their attention and energy. And we know what happens there. That very energy directing will give power to this movement and seeming validity like so many others, i.e. the Obama illusion as a prime mainstream example. It becomes self fulfilling as has happened to every religion and belief system as the bandwagon fills up with buyers in investors.
The substance no longer matters, the energy is there to justify whatever central control dictates.
And 1776?
Besides the stylized Merkaba which can taken all kinds of ways, why put 1776 in their logo? I thought this was an international, non-boundaried expression of personal freedom? What’s with referring to more restricting documents?Besides an obvious emotional appeal to Constitutionalists in the US and others around the world who see that as a founding document or concept to be emulated, we all know how that birthing date was chosen. It’s the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati, the true founders of just about anything in the world power structure. That’s also how the number of 13 initial states was decided which adorns the flag to this day and the famous dollar bill, as well as how myriad other cryptic messages were embedded.
You don’t screw with numbers and symbolism and think we’re not going to notice.
Are The PTBs Trying to Harvest Alternative Thinkers?
Here’s a conspiracy theory for the books.This Perfect Day by Ira Levin is an amazing tale that may give us a hint at what these guys are up to. Besides derailing whatever else has been supra-consciously formulating according to a much higher power and skimming or steering the energy of the alternative movement into an alternative solution of their choice and direction, what if there’s something even more insidious afoot?
Here’s a short summary of the futuristic (pre-programming?) book, This Perfect Day (1970), by Ira Levin. And so you know what a massive insider Levin was, he also wrote The Boys from Brazil, Rosemary’s Baby, and The Stepford Wives. Whoa.
Enjoy the ride–you’ll recognize a lot of the Controllers’ current and projected handiwork in here:
Plot Backstory (partial):
The story is set in a seemingly perfect global society whose genesis is vague: “Christ, Marx, Wood and Wei led us to this perfect day” is what school children learn to chant.
Uniformity is the defining feature; there is only one language and all ethnic groups have been eugenically merged into one race called “The Family”. There are only four personal names for men (Bob, Jesus, Karl and Li) and four for women (Anna, Mary, Peace and Yin). Instead of surnames, individuals are distinguished by a nine-character alphanumeric code, their “nameber” (a neologism from “name” and “number”), e.g. WL35S7497. Everyone eats “totalcakes”, drinks “cokes”, wears exactly the same thing and is satisfied – every day.
The world is managed by a central computer called UniComp which has been programmed to keep every single human on the surface of the earth in check. People are continually drugged by means of monthly treatments (delivered via transdermal spray or jet injector) so that they will remain satisfied and cooperative “Family members”. They are told where to live, when to eat, whom to marry, when to reproduce, and for which job they will be trained. Everyone is assigned a counselor who acts somewhat like a mentor, confessor, and parole agent; violations against ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ by themselves and others are expected to be reported at a weekly confession.
Everyone wears a permanent identifying bracelet which interfaces with access points that act as scanners which tell the “Family members” where they are allowed to go and what they are allowed to do. Around the age of 62, every person dies, presumably from an overdose of the treatment liquids; almost anything in them is poisonous if an excess dose is given. Now and then, someone dies at 61 or 63, so no one is too suspicious of the regularity. Even opposition against such a life by those few who happen to be resistant to the drugs, or those who purposely change their behavior to avoid strong doses of some of the drugs in the monthly treatment, and who consequently wake up to a day which for them turns out to be anything but perfect, is dealt with by the programmers of UniComp.
These long-lived men and women, in their underground hideaway, constitute the real, albeit invisible, world government. They live in absolute luxury and choose their own members through a form of meritocracy. In part, people who choose, through evasion and modifying their own behavior, to leave the main Family are subtly re-directed to “nature preserves” of imperfect life on islands. These, however, have been put in place by the programmers as a place to isolate trouble-making Family members. The top minds among the outcasts are further manipulated into joining the programmers to help them maintain the equilibrium in the “perfect” world of UniComp and The Family. (emphasis mine)
Just Disengage
Clever way to recruit the brightest minds by seeing who can navigate their way out of the matrix and then be there to congratulate and enlist them. That’s virtually how it already works now in the secret societies and agencies. Potential candidates are groomed, watched and harvested as they make their way up through the ranks. That’s how they fill their positions. Nothing new really.But this book is a heck of a good metaphor for how they could also do the same to the alternative movement, or pick off unsuspecting individuals.
Something to think about.
Choose your passageways carefully if you’re going to engage the beast.
Better yet, transcend the whole game. Disconnect and stop complying with any of their machinations. These movements are designed to draw you back into the matrix mechanisms which all lead to the New World Order they think they’re so cleverly sliding into place.
The way to starve the beast is to stop feeding it.
Think about it. Don’t be fooled or tooled by anyone…including me. Think for yourself and investigate carefully. Don’t join or trust anything just because others have either. Be sovereign and conscious.Remember, meteoric rising movements with little or no opposition are almost always planted. Otherwise they would get nowhere and in a hurry.
Investigate and stay conscious. Don’t let your emotions run away with you. We are having an amazing effect on world consciousness and behavior and it’s growing exponentially, whatever methods of expression you use. Just be sure something you invest your heart and energy in isn’t a diversion.
And don’t despair. Be encouraged.
Love, Zen
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