Thursday, January 10, 2019


Nearly everyone is experiencing it.  Synchronicity.  Some believe it started this past week for them. Others say it is ongoing. Something is in the air.

                Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have the eyes to see.     — Carl Jung

We know that everything is connected.  Even Trump stealing the election had to happen. It had to happen to make people wake up.  Stand up and change things.

For myself, I've had lots of deja vu along with synchronicities.  What happens for me is that time stands still.  Total silence.  It is as if my bodymind can't move further until the thought is validated and remembered.

"Oh, yeah."

Sometimes they are separate events but lately they are intertwined.  But everything is anyway.

That Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress soon is a part of all of this.  It is shades of Watergate.  I don't think this will be an isolated event.  I think Mueller is just beginning.

Everything experiences a correction when things are out of balance.  The little messages - the deja vu,  increase in synchronicities remind us to pay attention. It is reminiscent of seeing the deer outside my atrium door recently.  Deer are gentle beings.  They remind us to be determined and certain even in difficult situations.

A neighbor said she saw a three legged deer the other day.  Three legs.  Yet it is still strong, determined and enduring what could have been a rough situation.  It keeps going.  Just as we will keep going.

Synchronicity happens for a reason.  It moves us toward a healthier direction.  It opens our eyes.

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