Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Too Much

There is simply too much posted on Fb about the corrupt president.  Everyone knows he is the destroyer of anything with which he comes in contact.  People do not realize how this continual negativity affects their bodymind.  I know, I know,  we are all frustrated with government.

How about we turn that around and call all the reps/senators and vent to them? Tell them they need to start job hunting because the citizens will vote them out.  Explain what you want changed and write it down before you call.  Use your speech well.

I was recently listening to an NPR broadcast on our increased expectations. With everything. That we go on and on and on about a particular subject.  In particular, they were talking about the way parents handle their children.  That they set up 'play dates' with an expectation of certain behaviors/outcomes occuring.

"Well, she didn't socialize much."

"It was all so very disappointing."

Do consider that these children are two and three years old.  They are just learning to socialize.  This takes time.  We don't need daily report cards or an analysis of their minute by minute behavior.  We look at trends, adjust where need and just love and enjoy them.  These years pass quickly.

You know what they say about all work and no play.

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