Friday, November 23, 2012

What If

What if the world in which you were societalized was a mere Truman Show?  Everything, well most everything you have been taught was a form of brain washing.   Now that you are squirming in your seat, feeling uneasy, you want to leave.  This is just too, too close.  You don't want to get out of your comfort zone.

For starters, you have been programmed.  Educated by what THEY want you to know.  Your education has been pointedly limited.  You are a drone.  Worker bee.  You could be dangerous with a little knowledge.  About what THEY are really doing.

Come on.  You've been funding them for years.  Taxes they call them.  Ransom!  Tell me when this has been a government of the people?  Not in my lifetime.  I suspect not in yours as well. 

Did you really believe the founding fathers had your best interest at heart?  Consider them.  We any of them 'of the people'?  Were they all aristocratic types, wealthy, owned slaves? 

Now we have segued to the government of the corporations.  The Supreme Court reminds us that corporations have personhood.  In some societies, nature has personhood.  But not the recessive United States.  Money matters.  People don't.

End of comment.

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