A trip to 5432 Montbel and an old newspaper behind the eaves had a newspaper article in it. above the fold was a story about the Appleton family. The Appleton's, the article said, had an estate in the Hamptons. I couldn't get ready fast enough to check it out.
Behind the sign was a heavy wrought iron gate. From the porch, I imagined you could hear the waves roar. I quickly put my camera away as I saw the gate begin to open.
"Hi, I am here writing a story. It is about the Appleton family. Actually, it all began with my Nana's plate from England. It gave an address. When I went to the house and looked under the eaves as the inscription on the plate suggested I found this newspaper article. Mrs. Appleton was apparently murdered in her home. Isn't she that heiress...to the antiseptic family, what is their name?"
"Well, yes...she was...now the money is in her husband's name. You know he married her for the estate. Everyone thought he was up to no good. With the parties...well, it isn't my business. Hey, look, I am catering a party. Put this white shirt on and go help out. Your black jeans will be fine. That is the color combo."
"You kiddin me?"
"Nope, fifteen dollars an hour plus tips. These people tip really well. Especially if you flirt."
"Just one more thing. Why didn't the police pursue this Seems awfully open and shut."
"That's probably because this is such a large family. Beechwoods, Stillwells. Everyone wants their share of the inheritance."
"Yes, they are from Maryland. Baltimore in specific. Know them?"
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