Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Quickening

Looking back, she never dreamed she would have a lifetime of so many opportunities.  Or, that she would  be so independent and with such spirit.  That she would see all she knew she must do and be able to look back and say, "well done."

But driving along the coast this morning conjealed it all.  She looked at the surfers waiting for the perfect curl.  A dozen or more of these adventurers.  Suddenly her life had clarity, unlike anything she had experienced before.  The undulating current, the rain, mist and sunshine.   Back and forth, hot and cold.  All in a cycle.  What affects what.

She thought about her personality and the personalities of all she knew.  The personalities that develop and destroy.  Consume and flourish.  She was glad to be here.  With family.

Chloe sat on the sat under the rocks.  Crying.  Her life had not been all that she had hoped.  Until she met the woman who would help her see her pattern.  The pattern of many.  The thoughts.  Needs and wants.  The unnecessary waste of time as we get our shorts in a wad over drama.

"You see, I am you.  We aren't unique," the wise woman told Chloe. 

"Let the tears flow for all that is, all that you didn't know.  Now is the time to learn. We have a second chance.  Take it.  You are here for a reason.  The universe requires you."

"But, how do we find our way in this messed up world?"

"Child, one day at a time.  No one gets it all. We get a piece of the puzzle.  Open yourself, get out of your ego.  Listen.  Before you proclaim yourself to others, be with yourself.  Take time to be WITH.  Remember the transcendalists?  The age of enlightenment.  They did the work. "

"Speak your truth.  Change the energy.  Do it now while you still have time."

The quickening is beginning.

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